Taekwondo 태권도Taekwondo Preschool
Promotion from one geup to the next can proceed rapidly in some schools, since schools often allow geup promotions every two, three, or four months. Students of geup rank learn the most basic techniques first, and then move on to more advanced techniques as they approach first dan. Many of the older and more traditional schools often take longer to allow students to test for higher ranks than newer, more contemporary schools, as they may not have the required testing intervals. View Taekwondo belt levels »

( 손날등 sonnal-deung )
Difficulty Level: Advanced Surface: Offensive and Defensive
By tucking the thumb into the palm, a striking surface called the ridgehand ( 손날등 sonnal-deung ), or reverse knife-hand is formed, extending a few inches along the inside of the hand below the first knuckle of the index finger. If done improperly, the practitioner may well break their hand, wrist or fingers.
Use of the Ridgehand ( 손날등 sonnal-deung ) is not featured prominently in the World Taekwondo (WT) Taegeuk 태극 Poomse or Palgwe 팔괘 Poomse. Also the Ridgehand ( 손날등 sonnal-deung ) is not used in World Taekwondo (WT) sparring due to the dangers of breaking ones' fingers. The practitioner may well break their hand, wrist or fingers if they use this block or strike during competition.
Some techniques that utilize the Ridgehand ( 손날등 sonnal-deung );
- Ridgehand Outward Block ( 손날등 바깥막기 sonnal-deung-bakkat-makgi )
- Ridgehand Supporting Downward Block ( 손날등 거들어 내려막기 sonnal-deung-kodureo-naeryeo-makgi )
- Ridgehand Side Block ( 손날등 옆막기 sonnal-deung-yeop-makgi )
- Ridgehand Inward Strike ( 손날등 안치기 sonnal-deung-an-chigi )
- Ridgehand Downward Strike ( 손날등 내려치기 sonnal-deung-naeryeo-chigi )
Training Methods
How well one improves with training depends on several factors, such as the frequency it is engaged in, and the type of feedback that is available for improvement. If a student does not train often enough, reinforcement fades, and he or she is likely to forget what was learned.
When learning the impact surface, it is helpful to use mirrors to observe your technique and fix your mistakes immediately. Initially, a student may need focused feedback from a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ); however, as they progress, they must develop the ability to self-assess the impact surface.

Highlight Knife Hand ( 손날 sonnal ) Posture
By tucking the thumb into the palm, a surface called the knife hand or hand blade ( 손날 sonnal ) is formed. The surface extends with the muscle at the side of the hand located between the base of the small finger and the wrist ( 팔목 palmok ). The hand blade is used as both an offensive and defensive technique which can be executed as a high, low, middle, side, inward, outward, rising or circular. Use of this technique as both a strike and block is featured prominently in many of the World Taekwondo (WT) Taegeuk Poomse.
* Please see a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) for training. Proper guidance and instructions are needed to ensure safe training.

Impact Surface Area
Various surfaces of the hand and feet may be engaged as the striking or blocking surface depending on which area of the opponents body is being targeted. This leads to a large array of hand and feet positions. The human body's shape is determined by a strong skeleton made of bone and cartilage, surrounded by fat, muscle, connective tissue, organs, and other structures. For more information View Impact Surface Area »
- Fist ( 주먹 jumeok )
- Hammer Fist ( 메주먹 mejumeok )
- Hand Blade ( 손날 sonnal )
- Ridgehand ( 손날등 sonnal-deung )
- Forearm ( 앞팔 ap-pal )
- Inner Wrist ( 안팔목 anpalmok )
- Outside Wrist ( 바깥팔목 bakkatpalmok )
- Elbow ( 팔굽 palgup )
- Back Knuckle ( 등주먹 deung-jumeok )
- Arm ( 팔 pal )
- Hand ( 손 son )
- Finger ( 손가락 songalag )
- Palm ( 손바닥 sonbadak )
- Palm Heel ( 바탕손 batangson )
- Fingertips ( 손끝 sonkkeut )
- Scissors Fingertips ( 가위손끝 kawisonkkeut )
- Combined Two Fingertips ( 모은두손끝 moeundusonkkeut )
- Single Fingertip ( 한손끝 hansonkkeut )
- Combined Three Fingertips ( 모은세손끝 moeunsesonkkeut )
- Flat Fingertips ( 편손끝 pyeonsonkkeut )
- Back Hand ( 손등 sondeung )
- Wrist Area ( 팔목 palmok )
- Back of the Wrist ( 등팔목 deung-palmok )
- Base of the Wrist or Inner Wrist ( 밑팔목 mitpalmok )
- Arc Hand ( 아금손 ageumson )
- Pincers Finger ( 집게주먹 jipgejumeok )
- Bent Wrist ( 굽힌손목 gupinsonmok )
- Curled Fingertips ( 모둠손끝 modumsonkkeut )
- Extended Knuckle Fist ( 밤주먹 bamjumeok )
- Half-clenched Fist ( 편주먹 pyeonjumeok )
- Trigger Finger Fist ( 집게밤주먹 jipgebamjumeok )
- Curled Hand ( 곰손 gomson )
- Foot ( 발 bal )
- Ball of the Foot ( 앞축 apchuk )
- Instep of the Foot ( 발등 baldeung )
- Bottom of the Heel ( 뒤축 dwichuk )
- Sole of the Foot ( 발바닥 balbadak )
- Foot Blade ( 발날 balnal )
- Shin ( 정강이 jeonggangi )
- Ankle ( 발목 balmog )
- Reverse Foot Blade ( 발날등 balnaldeung )
- Tips of the Toes ( 발끝 balkkeut )
- Knee ( 무릎 mureup )
- Back of the Heel ( 뒤꿈치 dwikkumchi )
- Back of the Knee ( 오금 ogum )
- Thigh ( 허벅지 heobeokji )
- Head ( 머리 meoli )
- Face ( 얼굴 eolgul )
- Human Eye ( 눈 nun )
- Ear ( 귀 gwi )
- Temple ( 관자놀이 gwanjanoli )
- Nose ( 코 ko )
- Teeth ( 이 i )
- Chin ( 턱 teog )
- Jaw ( 턱 teog )
- Throat ( 목구멍 mokgumeong )
- Neck ( 목 mok )
- Cervical Vertebrae ( 경추 gyeongchu )
- Shoulder ( 어깨 eokkae )
- Collarbone ( 쇄골 swaegol )
- Chest ( 가슴 gaseum )
- Ribs ( 늑골 neuggol )
- Sternum ( 흉골 hyung-gol )
- Abdomen ( 복부 bogbu )
- Groin ( 샅 sat )
- Hamstring ( 햄스트링 haemseuteuling )
There are five tenets defined in the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) and several more in World Taekwondo (WT).
Perseverance ( 인내 in-nae ): "One will persevere time and time again until they have achieved a result which is adequate towards what one was trying to achieve." View Taekwondo Tenets »
This article uses material from the Wikipedia articles "Hand" and "List of Taekwondo techniques", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.