Taekwondo 태권도Taekwondo Preschool
If you have any questions about Taekwondo 태권도 or any suggestions for Taekwondo Preschool, we'd like to hear from you. For frequently asked questions visit our Support section for some answers or please feel free to Contact Us ».

About Me
Jackie Lau
There's other interesting projects under development such as our mobile versions, so stay tuned for them. Thank you for visiting Taekwondo Preschool!
After finishing the Management program in College, I wanted to explore the creative industry, build things, and make great content for people to enjoy. This website was made from various projects combined while I was completing the Web Design/Development, Design Arts, and Mobile Applications program. I decided it would be great to continue working on it to share with other like minded people who enjoy practicing and learning more indepth about Taekwondo. This website is also a portfolio and platform for practicing my skills and gaining experience in commercial design, web design / development, 3D CG animation, digital illustrations, and motion graphics. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely Regards,
Mr. Jackie Lau
Founder and Creator of Taekwondo Preschool, Karatedo Preschool, and Stories Preschool
Visit my other preschool websites
- Stories Preschool | Stories are effective educational tools because readers and listeners become engaged and therefore remember. Storytelling can be seen as a foundation for learning and teaching. While the storylistener is engaged, they are able to imagine new perspectives, inviting a transformative and empathetic experience. This involves allowing the individual to actively engage in the story as well as observe, listen and participate with minimal guidance.
- Karatedo Preschool | Learn about the Japanese Martial Arts 'Karate'. Web Japan (sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) claims there are 50 million karate practitioners worldwide, while the World Karate Federation claims there are 100 million practitioners around the world.