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About Blocks ( 막기 makgi )
Low Block ( 아래막기 arae-makgi )
Beginner Tutorial Available
The Low Block ( 아래막기 arae-makgi ) is one of the most basic Taekwondo blocks ( 막기 makgi ) and one of the first things a beginner will learn. The lead forearm is bent and raised to shoulder height, snapping the arm straight down with the palm facing the ground, which blocks any incoming low kicks or low strikes.

Middle Block ( 몸통막기 momtong-makgi )
Beginner Tutorial Available
An inside block deflects a strike away from the defender and away from the attacker. For example, against a straight punch to the face, an inside forearm block would aim to meet the inside of the forearm of the attacker, pushing the punch outward, leaving the opponent open for a counter attack.

High Block ( 올려막기 olgul-makgi )
Beginner Tutorial Available
A high block deflects a downward strike such as a hammer fist, a stick or a face punch from a taller opponent. The blocking arm starts low with the hand in a relaxed fist ( 주먹 jumeok ) across the abdomen (over the belt) with the palm facing upward.

Outside Middle Block ( 바깥막기 momtong-bakkat-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
An outside block deflects a strike away from the defender and across the attacker. For example, against a straight punch to the face, an outside forearm block would aim to meet the outside forearm of the attacker, pushing the punch outward, leaving the defender slightly to the side of the strike causing it to miss.

Inner Wrist Outer Block ( 안팔목 바깥막기 anpalmok-bakkat-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
This block ( 막기 makgi ) uses the inner wrist of your forearm which is used to deflect a strike away from your body. The blocking fist is parallel to the shoulder and the palm of the fist should face the body. The other hand should have the wrist stick to the waist of the body.

Single Knife Hand Outward Block ( 한손날 바깥막기 hansonnal-bakkat-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
The hand is kept in a knife hand ( 손날 sonnal ) position to block ( 막기 makgi ) attacks to the torso. As the front arm sweeps across in an arc from the inside to the outside of the body, the back hand is simultaneously pulled back to the back hip and ready for a counter punch.

Knife Hand Inward Block ( 손날 안막기 sonnal-an-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
In this technique Inward Knife Hand Block ( 손날 안막기 sonnal-an-makgi ), the practitioner blocks ( 막기 makgi ) the same way as the Middle Block ( 몸통막기 momtong makgi ) but the hand is kept in a knife hand ( 손날 sonnal ) posture to block ( 막기 makgi ) the incoming attacks instead. The blocking hand would swing from the outside toward the inside area of the body.

Palm Heel Pressing Block ( 바탕손 눌러막기 batangson-nulleo-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
A standard block ( 막기 makgi ) used to deflect incoming kicks and punches. Open the hand and use the 'bottom of the palm' to block ( 막기 makgi ) the trunk area. The bottom of the palm is called batangson ( 바탕손 ).

Palm Heel Inward Block ( 바탕손 안막기 batangson-an-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
Open the hand and use the 'bottom of the palm' to block ( 막기 makgi ) the trunk area. The bottom of the palm is called batangson ( 바탕손 ). The wrist should be bent and the blocking technique starts from shoulder level. The finishing point is below the solar plexus area.

Supported Hand Blade Outward Block ( 손날 거들어 바깥막기 sonnal-kodureo-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
In the Supported Hand Blade Outward Block ( 손날 거들어 바깥막기 sonnal-kodureo-makgi ), the lead hand ( 손 son ) is kept in a knife hand ( 손날 sonnal ) posture to block ( 막기 makgi ) attacks to the torso while the rear hand (also in knife hand posture) could be used as a counter strike. The blocking hand starts from shoulder level with the palm ( 손바닥 sonbadak ) up while you stretch the other hand far from the waist with the palm ( 손바닥 sonbadak ) facing downward at shoulder height level.

Supported Hand Blade Downward Block ( 손날 거들어 내려막기 sonnal-kodureo-naeryeo-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
The Supported Hand Blade Downward Block ( 손날 거들어 내려막기 sonnal-kodureo-naeryeo-makgi ) is a blocking technique where you make a low block ( 아래막기 area-makgi ) with hand blades, while the other hand is supporting to block ( 막기 makgi ) the lower body also with hand blades.

Cross Block ( 엇걸어막기 otgoreo-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
The Cross Block ( 엇걸어막기 otgoreo-makgi ) technique deflects a downward strike such as an axe kick, hammer fist, a stick or a face punch from a taller opponent. This block ( 막기 makgi ) technique starts near the waist on the opposite side of the foot in front.

Hand Blade Twisting Outward Block ( 손날 비틀어 바깥막기 sonnal-bitureo-bakkat-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
The Hand Blade Twisting Outward Block ( 손날 비틀어 바깥막기 sonnal-bitureo-bakkat-makgi ) is a technique that uses the blade of your hand ( 손날 sonnal ) to block ( 막기 makgi ) your face, and if successful grab your opponents wrist and then counterattack with a knee ( 무릎 mureup ) or kick ( 차기 chagi ) to the sternum, stomach, or face.

Outside Wrist Double Block ( 바깥팔목 헤쳐막기 bakkat-palmok-hecho-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
This block ( 막기 makgi ) technique is used when the hands are crossed and pushed apart to loosen the opponents grip while they are trying to grab you with two hands. The Outside Wrist Double Block ( 바깥팔목 헤쳐막기 bakkat-palmok-hecho-makgi ) is usually followed by grabbing the opponents neck or head and pulling down to attack with the knee.
- Double Block ( 헤쳐막기 hecho-makgi )
- Hand Blade Double Block ( 손날 헤쳐막기 sonnal-hecho-makgi )
- Inside Wrist Double Block ( 안팔목 헤쳐막기 anpalmok-hecho-makgi )
- Ridge Hand Double Block ( 손날등 헤쳐막기 sonnal-deung-hecho-makgi )

Trunk Push Low Double Block ( 아래 헤쳐막기 arae-hecho-makgi )
Intermediate Tutorial Available
This block ( 막기 makgi ) technique requires both forearms to be bent and raised to shoulder height level to form a cross. Then snap both arms straight down like a low block ( 아래막기 arae-makgi ) to the right and left sides.

There are five tenets defined in the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) and several more in World Taekwondo (WT).
Indomitable Spirit ( 백절불굴 baekjul-boolgool ): "To have indomitable spirit means to have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, no matter what odds you are up against, and to always give 100% effort in whatever you do." View Taekwondo Tenets »
This article uses material from the Wikipedia articles "List of Taekwondo Techniques" and "Strike (attack)", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.