Taekwondo 태권도Taekwondo Preschool
When you reach senior belt you are expected to guide the junior belts when they are beginning Taekwondo such as showing by example. To advance from one rank to the next, students typically complete promotion tests in which they demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art before a panel of judges or their teacher. View Taekwondo belt levels »

Outside Wrist Supporting Outward Block
바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi
Difficulty Level: Advanced Technique: Blocks ( 막기 makgi )
This advanced block ( 막기 makgi ) uses the outside wrist ( 바깥팔목 bakkatpalmok ) to protect the trunk area with the Outside Middle Block ( 바깥막기 momtong-bakkat-makgi ), while the other hand ( 손 son ) is supporting the block ( 막기 makgi ) with a fist ( 주먹 jumeok ) around the sternum area. The Outside Wrist Supported Outward Block ( 바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi ) is similar to the Supported Knife Hand Outward Block ( 손날 거들어 바깥막기 sonnal-kodureo-makgi ) but instead of knife hands ( 손날 sonnal ), the fists ( 주먹 jumeok ) are used to block ( 막기 makgi ).
Typically because of the angles involved, the Outside Wrist Supporting Outward Block ( 바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi ) is used to block ( 막기 makgi ) against attacks aimed at the torso. Most critical organs are housed within the torso. For example, in the upper chest, the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, while the abdomen contains the stomach, kidney, and etc.
Other Supported Blocks ( 거들어 kodureo-makgi )
- Supported Trunk Block ( 거들어막기 momtong-kodureo-makgi )
- Supported Hand Blade Block ( 손날 거들어 바깥막기 sonnal-kodureo-makgi )
- Supported Downward Hand Blade Block ( 손날 거들어 내려막기 sonnal-kodureo-naeryeo-makgi )
- Outside Wrist Supported Trunk Block ( 바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi )
- Supported Downward Block ( 거들어 내려막기 kodureo-naeryeo-makgi )
- Ridgehand Supporting Downward Block ( 손날등 거들어 내려막기 sonnal-deung-kodureo-naeryeo-makgi )
- Inner Wrist Supporting Side Block ( 안팔목 거들어 옆막기 anpalmok-kodureo-yeop-makgi )
- Inner Wrist Supporting Outward Block ( 안팔목 거들어 바깥막기 anpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi )
- Palm Assisting Outer Block ( 손바닥 거들어 바깥막기 sonbadak-kodureo-bakkat-makgi )
Training Methods
How well one improves with training depends on several factors, such as the frequency it is engaged in, and the type of feedback that is available for improvement. If a student does not train often enough, reinforcement fades, and he or she is likely to forget what was learned.
When learning the block ( 막기 makgi ), it is helpful to use mirrors to observe your technique and fix your mistakes immediately. Initially, a student may need focused feedback from a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ); however, as they progress, they must develop the ability to self-assess the block ( 막기 makgi ).
The technique is also learned by blocking in the air as though there is an opponent striking but focusing on the form, speed, and technique; then moving on to partner training (self-defence scenarios, sparring practices, one-step sparring, etc) reinforcing the block ( 막기 makgi ) on a realistic moving attack.
In preparation for full contact sparring, students may be required to wait a few months, for safety reasons, because they must first build the skills they would ideally employ in their sparring practice. Some schools restrict the amount of force that may be used to hit an opponent, by allowing 'light contact' during sparring. Light contact allows a student to hit an opponent getting the feel of impacting the opponent but with controlled force and not full power. Light contact sparring is a good method to practice the block ( 막기 makgi ).
Difficulty of Technique
Taekwondo students of geup ranking learn the most basic techniques first, and then move on to more advanced and difficult techniques as they approach 1st Dan Black Belt. The more difficult the technique, the more practice may be needed for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase 'practice makes perfect'. Every technique must display the requisite speed, balance, power and firmness to be realistically used as an attack or defense move.
* Please see a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) for training. Proper guidance and instructions are needed to ensure safe training.
Promotion Tests
Students often undergo periodic testing and grading by their own Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) in order to advance to a higher level of recognized achievement such as a different belt color. They need to demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art such as the execution of patterns ( 품새 poomse ), which combine various techniques in specific sequences.
Outside Wrist Supporting Outward Block ( 바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi ) is a requirement for the below belt levels (Techniques vary between schools). Promotion from one belt level to the next can proceed rapidly in some schools, since schools often allow geup promotions every two, three, or four months. Students of geup rank learn the most basic techniques first, and then move on to more advanced techniques as they approach first dan black belt. View Promotion Tests »

Training Highlights Summary
The Outside Wrist Supporting Outward Block ( 바깥팔목 거들어 바깥막기 bakkatpalmok-kodureo-bakkat-makgi ) contains many key point highlights. There are some that are simple and straightforward but then some are complex and detailed that require repeated training to learn and master.
- to protect the trunk area with the Outside Middle Block ( 바깥막기 momtong-bakkat-makgi ), while the other hand ( 손 son ) is supporting the block ( 막기 makgi )
- to keep the wrists ( 팔목 palmok ) straight and the blocking arm is angled 90-120 degrees
- the supporting hand ( 손 son ) provides extra force for the block ( 막기 makgi ) and acts as a preparation move for follow-up attacks such as with a Punch ( 지르기 jireugi )
Precision of Blocking ( 막기 makgi ) Technique
Depending on the strike, one may block ( 막기 makgi ) an attack most commonly by placing a limb across the line of the attack. Some techniques can block and deflect an attack with more precision which allows an effective counterstrike. The below is an approximate measurement of how precise the block requires from the practitioner to be effective.
Experienced practitioners learn through repetition and muscle memory when (not just how) to launch particular blocks ( 막기 makgi ), based on the circumstances they are facing.
* Please see a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) for training. Proper guidance and instructions are needed to ensure safe training.
There are five tenets defined in the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) and several more in World Taekwondo (WT).
Self-control ( 극기 geuk-gi ): "This means to not only have control over one's physical acts, but also their mental thoughts and actions." View Taekwondo Tenets »
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "List of Taekwondo Techniques", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.