Taekwondo 태권도Taekwondo Preschool
When you reach senior belt you are expected to guide the junior belts when they are beginning Taekwondo such as showing by example. To advance from one rank to the next, students typically complete promotion tests in which they demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art before a panel of judges or their teacher. View Taekwondo belt levels »

( 7th Dan Black Belt Poomse )
Poomse is the foundation for the teaching of Taekwondo. A poomse, or form, is a detailed pattern of defense-and-attack motions and techniques used in traditional martial arts. Poomse is useful in developing proper kinetics, mental and physical fortitude.
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Cheonkwon literally means 'sky'. In the poomse, the sky symbolizes the ruler of the universe. According to belief, it is mysterious, infinite and profound. The motions of Cheonkwon are full of piety, vitality and reverence.
General qualities that judges look for in any Taekwondo practitioner include proper breathing technique and body control. The diaphragm must be engaged in deep breathing, shallow breathing concentrated in the upper abdomen results in raised shoulders and stressed muscles. The muscles of the body should be lightly relaxed in order to perform the pattern with fluidity, speed and grace. Muscles should only be tensed at the moment of imaginary impact in order to commute maximum power to any individual Taekwondo technique.
Each Dan 단 (degree of black belt) has its own associated form/pattern that is required for Black Belt testing. The forms have a higher degree of difficulty in Taekwondo techniques. In the World Taekwondo (WT), students holding 1st-3rd dan are considered an Instructor, but generally have much to learn. Students who hold a 4th - 6th dan are considered Masters and must be at least 18 years old. Masters who hold a 7th - 9th dan are considered a Grand-Master. This rank also holds an age requirement of 40+ (age requirement for this belt is not 100% certain). For more information about the organization View World Taekwondo (WT) »
Training Methods
How well one improves with training depends on several factors, such as the frequency it is engaged in, and the type of feedback that is available for improvement. If a student does not train often enough, reinforcement fades, and he or she is likely to forget what was learned for the poomse.
When learning the poomse, it is helpful to use mirrors to observe your techniques and fix your mistakes immediately. Initially, a student may need focused feedback from a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ); however, as they progress, they must develop the ability to self-assess the poomse.
Difficulty of Poomse
Taekwondo students of geup ranking learn the most basic techniques first, and then move on to more advanced and difficult techniques as they approach 1st Dan Black Belt. The more difficult the techniques, the more practice may be needed for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase 'practice makes perfect'. Every poomse must display the requisite speed, balance, power and firmness to be realistically used as an attack or defense move.
* Please see a certified Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) for training. Proper guidance and instructions are needed to ensure safe training.

Black Belt Poomse
Key Points in this Poomse
- Posture. Practitioners must have their body weight correctly distributed during each different stance ( 서기 sogi ) and during footwork ( 딛기 ditgi ). Each technique must be correctly aligned.
- Realism. Taekwondo patterns are the learning ground for real combat. As such, every technique must display the requisite speed, power and firmness to be realistically used as an attack or defense move.
- Spirit. A competitor's 'presence' on the mat must be as credible as his/her technique. Self belief, confidence in abilities, and intention to perform to a personal best are tangible virtues considered indispensable in taekwondo practitioners.
- Decorum. Proper manners must be displayed when interacting with the judges directly before and after the pattern. Respect must also be extended to rival competitors, clubs and other officials.
- Form. General qualities that judges look for in any taekwondo practitioner include proper breathing technique and body control. The diaphragm must be engaged in deep breathing, shallow breathing concentrated in the upper abdomen results in raised shoulders and stressed muscles. The muscles of the body should be lightly relaxed in order to perform the pattern with fluidity, speed and grace. Muscles should only be tensed at the moment of imaginary impact in order to commute maximum power to any individual taekwondo technique.

Black Belt Poomse
Promotion Tests Requirement
Students often undergo periodic testing and grading by their own Master Instructor ( 사범님 sabeomnim ) in order to advance to a higher level of recognized achievement. They need to demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art such as the execution of patterns ( 품새 poomse ), which combine various techniques in specific sequences.
Cheonkwon ( 7th Dan Poomse ) is a requirement for the below dan levels (Varies between schools). Promotion from one dan to the next can take years. The general rule is that a black belt may advance from one rank to the next only after the number of years equivalent to the current rank. For example, a newly promoted third-degree black belt may not be allowed to advance to fourth-degree until three years have passed. View Promotion Tests »
Use in Demonstrations
To promote taekwondo for its emphasis on high kicking and fast hand techniques, taekwondo schools perform at tournaments, community events, shopping malls, parks, and tv shows. Demonstrations vary from school to school, but may include such elements as the execution of poomse ( 품새 poomse ), which combine various techniques in specific sequences; the breaking of boards to demonstrate the ability to use techniques with both power and control; sparring ( 겨루기 gyeorugi ) and self-defense ( 호신술 hosinsool ) to demonstrate the practical application and control of techniques; physical fitness usually with push-ups and sit-ups. For more information on Demonstrations »
( Click image for additional information)

Black Belt Poomse
Style: World Taekwondo (WT)
Dan Ranking: 7th Dan Black Belt
Cheonkwon literally means 'sky'. In the poomse, the sky symbolizes the ruler of the universe. According to belief, it is mysterious, infinite and profound. The motions of Cheonkwon are full of piety, vitality and reverence.

Promotion from one dan to the next can take years. The general rule is that a black belt may advance from one rank to the next only after the number of years equivalent to the current rank. For example, a newly promoted third-degree black belt may not be allowed to advance to fourth-degree until three years have passed. View more information on Black Belt Dan ( 단 ) ».
This article uses material from the Wikipedia articles "International Taekwon-Do Federation" and "Hyeong", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.